about us


We follow the Reggio Emilia-inspired approach which values the child as strong, capable, resilient and rich with wonder and knowledge. Our flexible learning spaces are filled with natural light and glass with an indoor exploratory learning hub.

child building robot at robotic technology school lesson, STEM education


Technology Hub

The Reggio Emilia-inspired approach in the Pre-Prep de-emphasises the utilisation of technology in this phase although our portable bank of iPads is frequently used for the documentation of our children’s progress. However, the fundamentals of coding are formally introduced in our Grade 0 learning communities as detailed below.

Robotics in the Pre-Preparatory phase is a ‘hands on’ approach to learning, where students build and design simple mechanisms from their environment whilst ‘learning through play’ with Lego Simple Machines. Whilst building activities range from spinning tops to racing cars, skills learnt involve an integration of Mathematics, Science and Linguistics.

Coding skills are promoted through the use of the Sphero Bolt - a robotic ball that can be programmed to manoeuvre through specific paths, whilst displaying colour and sound effects. Coding lessons enhance logical and problem solving skills. Spheros are also used to investigate other the effects of other concepts like speed, direction and balance.


Academic Hub

With the focus on the Reggio Emilia-inspired approach to learning, our edumentors are involved in group learning experiences as guides and resources. They carefully observe and track the growth of the child. Opportunities for creative play and project-based free-form learning based largely upon the interests or provocations of the child which are carefully aligned to the acquisition of the requisite concepts and skills are provided. The flexible learning spaces and ateliers are referred to as the ‘third teacher’ and great care is taken to construct an environment that allows for the easy exploration of various interests. Learning is visible and shared.

Documentation of learning is an important component. Photographs of children at work and play, along with dictations of their experiences, help edumentors and parents learn more about the progress of each individual child. The dynamics of the  flexible learning spaces are continuously being adapted according to the needs of these enquiry and discovery-led environments.

There is also an Integrated Therapy Practice (Personalised Learning Hub) on site with the following therapies being offered:

Integrated Learning Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Speech and Language Therapy

Remedial (Specialised Learning Interests) Therapy

Music Therapy


Cultural Hub

All children are creative and sociable beings who work well collaboratively and as individuals. Each child’s creativity is celebrated. Our Cultural Hub offers a blend of play and structured learning in the arts. Rallim children benefit from tailored individual care, developing curiosity and creativity.

Creative arts, dramatic arts, musical expression and movement are integral components of the Pre-Prep child’s day with a selection of individual music tuition as well as four types of dance disciplines namely, acro-dance, ballet, modern and hip hop as well as arts and crafts and drama. Our children have dance classes in our Movement Hub which has a specifically designed sprung floor to prevent injury.


Sport Hub

The adaptation of the Long Term Athlete Development Programme emphasises our Gross Motor Development Programme from Grades 000 to Grade 0. We have designed five codes, one for each day of the week, which are focused on the fundamental components of fitness in preparing our little ones for sport in the Preparatory, as well as for building confidence, promoting activity, skills, teamwork and sportsmanship. By working on the core, general movement co-ordination and introducing different sports, we believe we will be giving our Rallim athletes the best possible start to foster a love for becoming lifelong active citizens.

Our children make use of the Gross Motor Development Hub as well as the Sport and Exercise Education arena for the aforementioned activities.